Додаткова спеціальність: 6.040101 Хімія

Course of knowledge 0401 Natural sciences
Speciality 6.040102 Biology
Additional specialty: 6.040101 Chemistry

Structural logic circuit 6.040102 undergraduate Biology

Additional specialty: 6.040101 Chemistry

Сode module Name of subjects
ІУ_6._1.01_3 History of Ukraine
УМ_6._1.02_3 Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)
ПІМ_6_1.03_5 Foreign language
ФС_6_1.04_3 Philosophy
ФС _6_1.05_2 Political science
ФС_6_1.06_2 History of Ukrainian Culture
ТМФВ_6_1.06_9 Physical culture
УЛУ_6._1.07_1 Ethnology basis
ІІКТ_6_1.08_1 Information level of student
ФС_6_1.09_1 Religious Studie
ЕТП_6_1.10_1 Principles of Economic Theory
ФС_6_1.12_1 Ethic. Esthetic
ВТПТ_6_1.13_1 Fundamentals of educational measurement and monitoring of education quality
ВМ_6_2.01_1.5 Foundations of higher mathematics
ФАМФ_6.2.02_1.5 Physics
ХЕ_6_2.03_3 Physics
ФАМФ_6._2.04_2 Biophysics
ГМН_6_2.05_3 Geology and bases of Geochemistry
ХЕ_6_2.06_3 Organic chemistry
ІІКТ_6_2.07_2 New Information Technology and Technology Training
ХЕ_6_2.08_3 Physcolloid Chemistry
ХЕ_6_2.09_3 Fundamentals of Ecology
ГМН_6_2.10_3 Soil science
ХЕ_6_2.11_3 Biochemistry
ХЕ_6_2.12_2 Ecosystemology
ГМН_6_2.13_2 Biogeography
БМН_6_2.14_2 Biotechnology and gene engineering
ГМН_6_2.15_2 Radiobiology
ХЕ_6_2.16_3 Nature conservation
БМН _6_2.17_3 History of biology
БМН_6_2.18_1 Introduction to the speciality
ВФВ_6._2.19_1.5 Principles of Medicine
ВТПТ_6_2.20_1.5 Bases of pedagogical creativity
ВФВ_6_2.21._1.5 Valeology
БМН_6_2.22_1.5 Biological nomenclature
ХЕ_6_2.23_1.5 Bases of scientific researches in Biology
ВТПТ_6_2.24_1.5 Methods of educational work
БМН_3.1.01_6 Botany
БМН_6_3.1.02_6 Zoology
БМН_6_3.1.03_3 Age Physiology and Hygiene
П_6_3.1.04_7.5 Phsychology
БМН_6_3.1.05_2.0 Mycology
БМН_6_3.1.06_3 Histology and cytology with bases embryologist
ВТПТ_6_3.1.07_9 Pedagogic
БМН_6_3.1.08_4 Anatomy of man
ТТД_6_3.1.09_2 Life safety and labor protection
БМН_6_3.1.10_3 Physiology of higher nervou sactivity
ХЕ_6_3.1.11_1.5 Man Ecology
ГМН_6_3.1.12_4,5 Agricultural bases
БМН _6_3.1.13_6 Theory and methods of teaching science and biolhiyi
ХЕ_6_3.1.14_3 Plants and animals ecology
БМН_6_3.1.15_4 Microbiology of the basics of Virology and Immunology
БМН_6_3.1.16_4 Physiology of plants
БМН_6._3.1.17._2 Evolutional studies
БМН_6_3.1.18_4 Genetics and base of selection
БМН_6_3.1.19_4 Physiology of man and animal
БМН_6_3.1.20_1.5 Plants and animals phylogeny bases
ХЕ_6_ 3.1.21_5 School course of Chemistry
ХЕ_6_3.1.22_1.5 Chemical Nomenclature
ХЕ_6_3.1.23_1.5 Structure of Matter
ХЕ_6_3.1.24_5 Analytical chemistry
ХЕ_6_ 3.1.26_6 Methods of teaching Chemistry
ХЕ_6_3.1.27_3 Extracurricular work on Chemistry
ХЕ_6_3.1.28_3 Chemistry computer technologies
ХЕ_6_3.1.29_3 Physical and chemical methods
ХЕ_6_3.1.30_3 High molecular connections
ХЕ_6_3.1.31_3 Chemistry tasks solving method
ХЕ_6_3.1.32_3 Chemical technology bases
ХЕ_6_3.1.33_3 Technique of Chemical experiment
ХЕ_6_3.1.34_3 History of chemistry
БМН_6_3.1.35_1.5 Problems of Phytovariety
БМН_6_3.1.36_1.5 Problems of Urbozoology
БМН-6_3.1.37_1.5 http://pgf.udpu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/73.-Methods-of-organization-of-extracurricular-pupils-work.doc
БМН_6_3.1.38_1.5 Methods of organization of student naturalistic work
БМН_6_3.1.39_3 Molecular Biology
БМН_6_3.1.40_1,5 Method of «Health basis» teaching course

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