Напрям підготовки: 8.04010201 Біологія

Course of knowledge 0401 Natural sciences

Speciality 8.04010201 Biology


  1. 1.        Qualification

A biologist. A teacher of biology. A teacher of chemsitry.

  1. 2.        Qualification level

A master (a third cycle of university education) after accomplishing complete higher education.

  1. 3.        Special requirement to admission

Admission is held on the examinations results basis from profiling discipline and foreign language

  1. 4.        Special status about previous studies recognition (formal, informal, unofficial)

Bachelor diploma

  1. 5.         Program view

Masters of «Biology» speciality get necessary knowledge from three disciplines cycles: humanitarian and social and economic preparation; mathematical, naturally and scientific preparations; professional and practical preparation. Specialists on biology own necessary knowledge in biological cycle of disciplines, pedagogics and psychology, for different types of educational establishments work. In the process of studies masters held practical preparation during pedagogical practices, get science experience  during course papers writing and qualification papers.

During studies a master should master  the modern bases of phytocenology,  the basic stages of its development in Ukraine and world;  principles of  the « Ukraine Green book» (2009) creation;  the regulation mechanisms of interspecific co-operation of living organisms separate groups on the molecular, organism and geobiocentric levels of their co-operation; conformities of society and nature interrelation; the morphological aspects of development, and also biochemical and molecular-genetic aspects of determination process and cell differentiation; main nature protection problems that arise  in the conditions of modern industrial and agricultural production; the influence of environment changes on a man;  the quality management of natural environment on the modern scientific and technic achievements base, the method of organization and conducting  of nature protection measures.

Master professional preparation of biology is based on the study of  biology teaching method  at higher school on the last scientific information which provide teaching at the modern development of pedagogical and biological science level; peculiarities of didactics principles realization; methods of capture students’ knowledge and abilities; mastering of high pedagogical culture, to be a professional and humanist.

A general volume of educational program is 60 ECTS credits,  humanitarian and social and economic preparation – 22 credits, mathematical, naturally scientific preparations – 9 credits, professional and practical preparation – 27 credits,  state attestation – 2 credits.

Key educational results

Subject knowledge

History of phytocenology development and role of the Ukrainian scientists. Phytocoenosis and its properties. Phytocoenosis structural organization. Quantitative relations between phytocoenosis kinds: proactive coverage, vitality, rich eventuate. Vegetation dynamics: seasonal changes. Classification of vegetable groups: dominant, floristic. Regional and intrazonal vegetation of Ukraine. Rare vegetable groups. «Ukrainian Green» (2009).

Legal nature protection and rational use of natural resources bases. Types of nature protection measures, their description. Nature protection activity levels of organization. Nature protection technologies of defense of environment. Measures directed on warning and non-admission of soils erosion. Measures from radiation pollution reduction. Measures from  maintenance and rational use and protection of water resources. Measures maintenance and protection and rational biological resources use. General recommendations from the rational use and protection of natural resources.

Nucleic acids as carriers of genetic information; replication of nucleic acids; transcription and post-transcription processing of RNA; genetic code and translation; molecular mechanisms of genetic recombination.

Long-term development of learning the world when various research approaches change and supplement each other consequently: observation, description and classification, comparative-analytical, historical and experimental methods. Forms of plant discharges and their role in various types of plant formation (phytocoenosis); the mechanism of chemical interaction of plants in coenosis via allelopathic mode as a specific ecological factor of biogenic origin.

Morphological aspects of the development, as well as biochemical and molecular-genetic mechanisms which accompany them in the process of embryonic and post-natal growth. Morphological and structural changes of an embryo. Transformation causes of biological aspects of live organism interaction. Regulation mechanisms of intra-specific interaction of separate groups of live organisms on molecular, organism and geo-bio-coenosic levels of their interaction.  An international language of the classification of biological objects – Latin (species and genus names, and also names of higher rank taxons; dichotomy table of determinants).

Higher school method, its formation, and development; contents of biological education on natural and geographic department; process, principles and methods of biological disciplines teaching; author kinds of methodical systems of teaching; forms of organization of teaching of biological disciplines; control after educational-cognitive students activity; subjects of pedagogical process in the institute  and their interaction.

Kognitive subject abilities and skills.

Mastering methods, methodical receptions, experience of application of facilities and forms of biology studies organization at higher school.

Ability to plan educational and cognitive students’ activity on biological disciplines lessons, to make the lectures plans, to design different lesson types and work of group.

Ability to form purpose and task, to determine their content and methodical set, conduct the lesson analysis and self-examination

Possibility to carry out an educate function in educational and extra-curricular process

Practical subject abilities

Ability to apply knowledge for preservation and assistance activity of natural population of living organisms and at forming of the personal attitude toward living organisms.

Ability to recognize microscopic preparations and, on possibility, to look after on living material; to summarize the process of  the living regulative system development – to the organism in the evolution of living nature development, to take away educational material; to use the different methods of students thought development, stimulate them to independent, creative cognitive activity; to form skills of self-education, self-examination, positive attitude toward studies; to stimulate students activity, put right contacts with them;

to form students cognitive requirements, necessity, in success, openness for communication, to prepare preparations of chromosomes of  plants and animals fabrics, carry out a cytogenetic analysis, conduct conservative and differential chromosomes coloring by different methods, to build idiograms, differential coloring chromosomes by different methods, to build idiograms, determine the amount of DNA in nucleus, to determine  mitotic index and relative duration of mitosis phases, set composition of nucleotide of DNA and RNK, to separate nucleus, chromatin, to conduct electrophoresis of albumens and DNA of chromoplasm in a polyacrylamide gel, to solve tasks from molecular genetics, to analyze the state of the water resources vegetable and animal world use; to find out the factors of worsening of the ecological state of natural resources; to give an estimation the anthropogenic loading on resources and to develop  nature protection measures recommendations, describe meadow, steppe, water, bog and forest phytocoenosis after the Braun-Blanke method with a complete exposure them floristic composition; to find out anthropogenic factors which perniciously influence on phytocoenosis and to develop facilities of such influences prevention

General skills and abilities      

Ability to apply principles of scientific labour organization in practice.

Mastering of leading management methods of labour collective.

Skills mastering of social and educate work in student collectives.

Making skills of optimum linguistic conduct in professional sphere.

Capacity for self-training and continuation of professional development

Ability of own activity organization and effective time management.

Professional types of graduatings with examples

Master graduating is a specialist with more deep fundamental and professionally practical preparation in biology branches, who can successfully work as a teacher of biology in secondary establishments of education (comprehensive schools, gymnasia and lyceums, with the deep study of geographical disciplines), in educational establishments of II-IV levels of accreditation, in scientific and scientifically research establishments to study in postgraduate or to carry out scientific activity independently.

Master preparation is carried out for biology teaching in secondary and special schools, conducting of scientific and research study in scientific and scientifically research establishments on the basis of modern achievements of science and pedagogical theory and practice.

Master can be attract  over to educational establishments of II-IV of levels of accreditation work, scientific and methodical establishments on positions, foreseen for a substitution specialists with higher education of typical top-level positions.

Admission to further education

Master on speciality 8.04010201 Biology has the possibility to continue education in postgraduate.

Exams, evaluation and marks principles

Temporal position about  evaluation knowledge and determination of students rating  in  the credit and transfer system of educational process organization

     Graduation requirements

Completed educational program by 60 credits volume, prove of master scientific paper

     Training form

Day-time, extra-mural

11. Program director

Doctor of biological sciences, professor –Klyuchko Zoya Fedorivna

Structural-logical scheme magistracy training direction 8.04010201 Biology

Course of knowledge 0401 Natural sciences
Speciality 8.04010201 Biology

Код модуля
Назва дисциплін
ФС_8_1.01. _3 Philosophy and sociology of education
ТТДОПБЖД_8_1.06_3 Civil protection and labor protection in
ПОМ_8_1.07_3 Creative technology training in higher education
ІМ_8_1.02_5 Business foreign language
ХЕМН _8_3.1.02_3 Methods of teaching chemistry
ХЕМН _8_3.1.03_3 Chemistry of complex compounds
ХЕМН _8_3.1.04_3 Основи хімічної безпеки
ХЕМН _8_3.1.05_3 Хімія гетероциклічних сполук
ХЕМН_8_3.1.06_3 Хімія колоїдно-дисперсних систем
ХЕМН _8_3.1.01_3 Хімія природних сполук
УЛУМН _8_1.05._3 Академічна риторика
П_8_1.04_3 Психологія вищої школи
ПОМ_8_1.03_3 Педагогіка вищої школи
БМН_8_1.08_4 Методика викладання біології у вищій школи
БМН_8_1.09_4 Медична генетика
БМН_8_1.10_4 Флора вищих водних рослин
БМН_8_2.01_4 Основи етології
БМН_8_2.02_4 Орнітологія
БМН_8_2.03_4 Алелопатія
БМН_8_2.06_4 Загальна паразитологія
БМН_8_2.04_3 Біологічні аспекти взаємодії живих організмів
БМН_8_2.05_3 Фітоценологія

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