Напрям підготовки: 8.04010401 Географія

Course of knowledge 0401 Natural sciences

Speciality 8.04010401 Geography

  1. 1.        Qualification

Geographer. Teacher of Geography

  1. 2.        Qualification level

Master (third stage of higher education) on educational and qualification base “bachelor”.

  1. 3.        Special requirement to admission

Admission is held on the examinations results basis from profiling discipline and foreign language

  1. 4.        Special status about previous studies recognition (formal, informal, unofficial)

Bachelor diploma

  1. 5.        Program view

During the undergraduate study Masters of “Geography” must learn the basics of modern geography and geographic research methods. The student should take fundamental (basic) training, which includes mastering the basics of pedagogy and psychology of high school, methodology and research methods, computer information technology in scientific and educational activities, deepen their knowledge of philosophy and foreign languages, receive a deeper theoretical and methodological knowledge of geography.

Professional Preparation Master’s of “Geography” is based on the study of the methods of teaching geography at higher school, issues of socio-economic development of Ukraine, international tourism and tourist regions of Ukraine, geophysics and geochemistry of landscapes, history of geography, Geourbanistics.

A general volume of educational program is 60 ECTS credits,  humanitarian and social and economic preparation – 23,5 credits, mathematical, naturally scientific preparations – 7,5 credits, professional and practical preparation – 27 credits,  state attestation – 2 credits.


Key educational results

Subject knowledge

The history of geography in Ukraine.

The physical processes in landscapes and methods of their study.

Methodology of the study of socio-economic development and quality of life. Principles, criteria and schemes of regionalization and administrative-territorial structure. Current status, problems and prospects of development of regions of various levels in the context of natural resources, demographic and productive capacity. Major regional problems, probable ways of their effective solution and prospects for regional development.

Spatial organization policy of a particular society. Basic classification of frontiers. Modern political map of the world. Grouping and typology of qualitative and quantitative indicators. Sovereign states and the most important international organizations. Fundamentals of electoral geography. Ukraine in the modern geopolitical space.

Natural and geographic bases of tourist activity. Modern tendencies in domestic and international tourism. Classification of international tourism. The geography of world and domestic flows. The nomenclature of tourist resources. Tourist resource potential in the regions of Ukraine, especially the placement of tourism infrastructure, tourism markets, types of tourism services and criteria of formation of tourism resources, legislative and legal foundations functioning of the International tourism industry.

The history of development and problems of the biggest cities in the world and Ukraine.


Kognitive subject abilities and skills

Mastering methods, methodical receptions, experience of application of facilities and forms of biology studies organization at higher school.

Ability to plan educational and cognitive students’ activity on biological disciplines lessons, to make the lectures plans, to design different lesson types and work of group.

Ability to form purpose and task, to determine their content and methodical set, conduct the lesson analysis and self-examination.

Possibility to carry out an educate function in educational and extra-curricular process.

Practical subject abilities

Skills analysis of regional economic development for multiple indicators and comparative analysis of regional economic functions of their main economic indicators.

The ability to identify patterns of spatial differentiation of natural and antropogenetic landscapes, background geochemical features of natural ingredients; perform evaluation of geochemical and geophysical characteristics of the landscapes of different taxonomic levels.

To perform a comparative analysis of the features of formation and morphology of the territory of the state in different regions: category and properties geopolitical position and its assessment as Ukraine and other countries.

The ability to determine the location of the tourism industry in the global economy and its impact on the national economy and the relationship with other sectors; develop tourism and geographical routes, perform analytical generalizations and estimates on various aspects of tourism.

To assess the state of urban environment; make plans appropriate measures and improving recovery of natural and human systems in cities around the world and Ukraine.

General skills and abilities      

Ability to apply principles of scientific labour organization in practice.

Mastering of leading management methods of labour collective.

Skills mastering of social and educate work in student collectives.

Making skills of optimum linguistic conduct in professional sphere.

Capacity for self-training and continuation of professional development

Ability of own activity organization and effective time management.

Professional types of graduatings with examples

Master graduating is a specialist with more deep fundamental and professionally practical preparation in geography branches, who can successfully work as a teacher of geography in secondary establishments of education (comprehensive schools, gymnasia and lyceums, with the deep study of geographical disciplines), in educational establishments of II-IV levels of accreditation, in scientific and scientifically research establishments to study in postgraduate or to carry out scientific activity independently.

Master prepared for teaching, research, educational, scientific, methodological and organizational and management activities in education and science of Ukraine according to the received specialty.

Master preparation is carried out for geography teaching in secondary and special schools, conducting of scientific and research study in scientific and scientifically research establishments on the basis of modern achievements of science and pedagogical theory and practice.

Master can be attract  over to educational establishments of II-IV of levels of accreditation work, scientific and methodical establishments on positions, foreseen for a substitution specialists with higher education of typical top-level positions.

Admission to further education

Master on speciality 8.04010401 Geography has the possibility to continue education in postgraduate.

Exams, evaluation and marks principles

Temporal position about  evaluation knowledge and determination of students rating  in  the credit and transfer system of educational process organization

     Graduation requirements

Completed educational program by 60 credits volume, prove of master scientific paper

     Training form

Day-time, extra-mural

11. Program director

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor – Braslavskaya Oksana  Vladimirovna

Structural-logical scheme of training educational qualification of Masters
in the direction of 8.04010401 Location

Course of knowledge 0401 Natural sciences
Speciality 8.04010401 Geography

Сode module Name of subjects
ФС_8_1.01_3 Philosophy of education
ПМ _8_1.02._1.5 Bases of linguistic communication
ТТД, ОПБЖ _8_1.05._1,5 Industrial safety
ФС_8_1.03._1.5 Sociology of education
ПІМ_8_1.06._4,5 Business foreign language
КПП_8_1.07._3,0 Fundamentals of Corrective Pedagogics
ЗППВШУ_8_1.08_2.5 Theory and practice of scientific and pedagogical researches
ЗППВШУ_8_1.09_1,5 Pedagogical management
ГМН_8_1.09_3 Географія глобалізаційних процесів
ГМН_8_1.10_3 Геофізика і геохімія ландшафтів
ГМН_8_2.01_3 Регіональний геолого-геоморфологічний аналіз
ГМH_8_2.02_4 Міжнародний туризм та туристичні ресурси України
ГМН_8_2.03_3 Ретроспективна географія з основами етнографії
ГМН_8_2.04_3 Основи палеогеографії
ГМН_8_2.05_4 Геоекономіка
ГМН_8_2.06_4 Історія географії
ГМН_8_2.07_3 Проблеми соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів України
БМН_8_3.1.01_3 Флора вищих водних рослин
БМН_8_3.1.02_3 Алелопатія
БМН_8_3.1.03_3 Основи етології
БМН_8_3.1.04_3 Методика викладання біології у вищих навчальних закладах
БМН_8_3.1.05_3 Медична генетика
БМН_8_3.1.06_3 Орнітологія


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