Agro-biological research station


Another page in the history of Nature and Geography Department is the agro-biological station. Shortly after the opening of the Institute research grounds attached to the agro-biological division officially called a botanic garden had been established. It was one of the laboratories at the Department where students conducted lessons on biology and agriculture.


Students harvesting in the agro-biological station
(the 50s of the XX th century)

In 1954 the area of the botanic garden was extended to 1.5 ha where there were fruit trees, green houses, berry fields, vegetable grounds. The botanic garden was managed by a researcher, and also a gardener in the staff. The territory of the botanic garden was situated between Lenin Street and Piontkovskiy Street, and farther to Gorkiy Street where the green sector of the town was situated.





Defining optimum conditions for the accelerated
growth of sprouts and forming stems of dwarf apple trees

The botanic garden at the pedagogical Institute became known as an agro-biological station. By the decree of the Uman city council the territory of the agro-biological station in the very center of the town was given up to a site development, and in 1956 the Institute was allocated 6 ha of the land on the right tributary of the Umanka river near Gorodetske village. The same year preparations of fruit trees for replanting started, and from 1957 to 1958 a new fruit garden was planted as well as berry fields, a vineyard, and field and vegetable crop rotations began. Afterwards, its area extended to 12 ha as result of annexation of land allocated previously for private cultivating by school teachers in Uman.



Academicians garden
The museum ‘Plants-Symbols of Ukraine’

Throughout all the years of its existence the agro-biological station has become an inalienable part of Nature and Geography Department, and still remains the foreground for conducting teaching methodological work and research of lecturers and students of the University. It serves as a base for research of students, postgraduate students, and doctoral students under the supervision of leading scientists of Ukraine, namely professors Y.Y. Yuhymchyk, G.O. Kazyduba, and associate professors O.I. Yerina, O.G. Malysheva, and some others.

Practicing grounds, selection grounds, a regular school research ground, a arboretum, the museum ‘Plants-symbols of Ukraine’, the fruit garden named after V.O. Suhomlynskiy, the alley of academicians are currently laid in the territory of the agro-biological station.

Students have the opportunity to conduct meteorological research at the equipped meteorological ground.

Majority of field research projects are conducted at the grounds of plants taxonomy, plants physiology, biology teaching techniques, plant growing, farming, genetics divisions. The agro-biological station has been a convenient base for checking hypotheses and laboratories research data in real conditions of the soil, the place for mastering field research techniques by students, masters, postgraduate students.





Teaching-scientific divisions of students practice preparations

According to the collaboration agreement majority of such research topics are carried out jointly with the divisions of research institutes subordinated to Ukraine NAS and NAAS. Such collaboration has been fostered with Ukraine NAS Institute of plants physiology and genetics, Ukraine NAAS Institute of agroecology, Ukraine NAS National dendrological park “Sofiyivka”, Gryshko M.M. Kiev National botanic garden, Ukraine NAAS Institute of root crops, and some others. Among such research topics several are worth mentioning:

– studying of symbiotic interaction activities of tuberous bacteria transposons with leguminous crops;
– factors of spontaneous and man-caused mutagenous environmental pollution;
– consequent genetic outcomes of Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster;
– growth and development of decorative horticultural and vegetable crops under exposure to physically active substances;
– estimation of ecological conditions of arable land in Cherkassy region.

Selection of herbicide complexes for soybeans with
minimum negative toxic and ecological impacts
РManual sowing of winter wheat in order to study inheritance of changed properties caused by radioactive and chemical environmental pollution
Division of preparing the sowing of roses for future planting of greenery on the territories of the agro-biological station and the University

Honourable traditions formed for more than the 80-year history of the Department development its achievements are augmented with dignity by success and acquirements of new generations of lecturers-researchers and students making it famous, and one of the best and promising among departments of pedagogical universities of Ukraine.

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