Scientific geological laboratory
According to the written request of 17.05.2000 p. President of the Foundation “Heoeko – XXI Century” member of the International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Protection prof. O. Mitropolsky the Rector USPU Pavlo Tychyna Acad. APS Ukraine VG Kuzya in educational institution based NGO Uman District Branch of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation (ACF UB) “Heoeko – XXI Century” (certificate of registration of citizens’ associations № 29 dated 22.09.2000.). On the basis of which according to the order of the head of high school № 09 of 17.01.2001 p. At the Department of Geography and Environment Faculty of Natural Geological a scientific laboratory, scientific coordinator whose the Institute of Geological Sciences (IGS) National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (m. Kyiv).
The scientific focus of the laboratory at the dawn of its existence was as follows: “The study of geological and environmental monitoring.” Its staff conducted research in the following areas: Geomorphology and tectonics; ecology and environment; history of science and technology. Performing various research topics and agreements on creative collaboration with IGS NAS of Ukraine, require correction scientific fields that are now transformed vyokremylysya and more specialized, namely zemleznavchi research and development history; natural and man-made aquatic landscapes of Ukraine; bank and a database of geographic areas.
Geological Science Laboratory repeatedly visited pupils of secondary schools in the city. Uman, who are familiar with the collection of minerals and rocks, ores, etc. Employees laboratory provided and assist in identifying minerals and rocks and geological collections refill geographical classrooms of schools. Uman city and rayon, advise students who are enrolled in the Small Academy of Sciences (SAS). Regarding the latter, we note that the student has been peer-reviewed scientific work of the Cherkassy branch listener MAN Ukraine Butskiy at secondary school I – III stages PF Balahuty on “Background of rural tourism in the village. Buki “. Work geological research laboratory is not limited to the city. Uman Uman area. It is worth mentioning concluded cooperation agreements with Kolochavskoyu school number 1 (Transcarpathian region. Mizhgirya district.), Such an agreement last May 28, 2004. These agreements enabled annually from 2000 to 2014 inclusive teaching students take field practice of geographic and biological disciplines in a picturesque corner of Ukrainian Carpathians. Where students are not only fixed in the field of theoretical knowledge acquired during the lectures, but also healthier and get acquainted with the life and history of Western Ukraine, which makes them more intellectually developed young people. We hope to continue cooperation with Kolochavskoyu school number 1 in the future.
With the hard work of the laboratory staff have a number of appreciation from school management school (secondary school number 2 named Vatutin m. Vatutine Cherkasy region .; school № 9, № 10 meters. Uman, Novoselovskoe secondary school II levels Lyubashivka district Odessa region.) and management USPU Pavlo Tychyna (order number 71 of 18.03.2005 p.).
NHL for many years research works in close contact with IGS NAS of Ukraine, which emerged in the implementation of research topics under contract with the Ministry of Education of Ukraine “Geomori”, during which studied the tectonic structure of the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea (2001) and the International Project ” Sedyment IOC of UNESCO “- looked at the relationship of deep structure of the surface structures of the bottom of the Black Sea (2001). Such cooperation was secured agreement on cooperation between USPU Pavlo Tychyna (m. Uman) and the Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine (m. Kyiv). This enabled the laboratory staff to participate as a Senior Research Fellow (part-time) Department of Groundwater Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine (Head. Department Dr. heol.-min. Ohnyannyk Sciences MS) performed scientific research on the economic contract number 40 “Development of the geological environment monitoring in the area Arboretum” Sofievka “(Order of the Director of Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine № 104-k of 13.07.2001 g.).
The desire not to lose the experience, academic achievements, and not to leave the geological environment monitoring Arboretum “Sofievka” NAS Ukraine pushed the head of geological research laboratories to apply to the Deputy Director of Research Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine Dr. heol.-min. Science professor. O. Mitropolsky to help equip the appropriate technical equipment and chemical reagents laboratory. Institute of Management vidneslas agreement with this request and the balance UB ACF “Heoeko XXI Century” was transferred to the field laboratory kits that enable rapid analysis in the field of water and general water analysis in the laboratory.
Subsequently, it was extended Geoecological monitoring Arboretum “Sofievka” National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which is one of the largest parks in Europe, while performing derbyudzhetnoyi theme applied nature “Geoecological monitoring Arboretum” Sofiyivka “in. Uman (state registration number – 0103U003312; Deadline 2003 – 2005 gg., the perpetrators – Assoc. SG Polovka, co-executor – art. browsing. IV Krasnoshtan, laboratory LM Maksyutova, VD Makarov, AA Polovka, K. G. Ketskalo). This provided an opportunity to engage in scientific research volunteer students and undergraduates natural (natural geographical later) Faculty USPU Pavlo Tychyna who skillfully used the experience and scientific achievements of student for writing scientific papers. It should be emphasized that the degree and master of this nature have a high scientific level and repeatedly praised the State Examining Board of Natural Geography Department USPU Pavlo Tychyna like best. For example, the thesis that has been transformed into a master’s thesis “Geoecological monitoring of surface waters Arboretum” Sofievka “(OD Lavryk, 2002, etc.). Since the establishment of the laboratory and is now on its base is made about 40 course, 34 degree and 8 master works.
Integrating the scientific community scientific geological laboratory staff write reviews Dissertations PhD theses, participated in the celebrations wires IX Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition (2004) to the sixth continent. Thereby popularized laboratory, department, faculty and university in general.
Under the NHL her staff have published over 250 scientific papers, of which 4 books: “One hundred marine geologists Ukraine” (Polovka SG, 2007); “Research Fleet Ukraine (Past, Present and Future) (Mitropolsky OU, SG Polovka, 2009); “Anthropogenic landscapes rivers and flood plains of the Southern Bug” (Denysyk GI Lavryk OD, 2012); “The river landscape-technical systems” (OD Lavryk, 2015). The first monographic work wished to have in their library research institute encyclopedic research of Ukraine for creation and edition of “The Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine” (Ref. 117/345 of 18.02.2009 p., LV Ryabets).
Another important scholarly achievements of this laboratory is set up a database of Marine Geology, which has 4 databases: 1) data on staffing marine geological research; 2) a bibliography of scientific publications; 3) the results of research and expeditionary voyages in the waters of the oceans and 4) the actual base material stored in kernoshovyschi. The special value of this database is that it is embedded in scientific institutions of Ukraine (Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine, VMHOR Universities of Sciences of Ukraine), Ministry of Education of Ukraine (Kiev University. Taras Shevchenko and ONU. Mechnikov) and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Oceanology, BAS, m. Varna). Laboratory staff were part of the writing team who have been developing scientific textbook “International Year of the ocean (the problem quest achievements)” (O. Mitropolsky, SG Polovka, 2000); textbooks “Geography Uman (the 75th anniversary USPU Pavlo Tychyna)” (SG Polovka 2006), “Geology of the basics of Geochemistry” (SG Polovka, 2014), “Geographic information technologies in geography” (O .D. Lavryk, 2014), “general geography”. Book 1 (OD Lavryk, 2014), “Geourbanistics” (OD Lavryk, 2014), “Regional geological and geomorphological analysis” (Lavryk OD, OS Osadchiy, DO Pankratenkova , 2015), “Principles paleogeography” (SG Polovka, DO Pankratenkova, 2015); lectures “The geography of continents and oceans” (OD Lavryk, 2014), “The history of geographical science in Ukraine” (SG Polovka, OA Polovka, 2015); guidance for writing projects and dissertations of geographical disciplines for students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, (SG Polovka et al., 2004); “Soil: laboratory practice” (VP Mikolajki, Mikolajki II, 2014), “general geography” (OD Lavryk, 2015), “History of Geography (SG Polovka, OA Polovka, 2015); curriculum of basic and special geographical disciplines (SG Polovka, 2010), the curriculum field practices of basic and special geographical disciplines (SG Polovka, 2010), through the curriculum of professional practice in geography (SG Polovka, OD Lavrik, VP Mikolajki, OA Polovka, 2014) and others.
In 2004 the laboratory staff are members of the “Ukrainian Geographical Society” (SG Polovka, OD Lavryk), “Union of Geologists Ukraine” (SG Polovka), establishing contacts with non-governmental and public organizations (“Ukrainian Environmental League “in 2002) and government agencies (State Commission of Ukraine on Mineral Resources of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, 2010).
Today, employees are actively working NHL topics associated with the direction of the history of science and technology in the study of the geology of the oceans. They continue to sell and implement in life, one of the scientific ideas Acad. UAS Vernadsky in the history of the oceans and seas Geology and history of geographical research. A new round of development of this area associated with the creation of the department of modern marine sedimentogenesis Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine Laboratory of Information Technologies in marine geology. One of the objectives of the Laboratory, creating databases and databanks on the basis of archival documents. As a business unit of the institution as art. Science. employee working dock. Geol. Science. prof. Polovka SG, which continues to fill up a database of marine geology. To carry out his plan in the history of geography, researchers at the Third NHL All-Ukrainian scientific conference “Geography and Environment: science and education” (Uman, 15-16 April 2010) put forward the idea of a database of geography. This proposal was warmly supported by the conference participants. Now collects materials database, which will be useful for students, teachers geography, graduate and doctoral students and inquisitive youngsters interested in geographic research.
Another important scientific and educational achievements is that May 12, 2014 at the Department of General Earth Science and Geology ÏÃÔ official opening ceremony of the newly created department entitled “Geology and Geography Museum of Eurasia” which was created by order of the rector USPU Pavlo Tychyna №368 o / d on May 7, 2014 This museum is a unit of NHL. Although its history is too short, but I will say a few words about it. In models museum contains about 400 samples of minerals and rocks from different parts of Eurasia. In addition, the museum has about 600 copies of various samples. An electronic catalog of classic examples of minerals, rocks and fossils of the organic world of past geological epochs.
Scientific achievements laboratory staff have been reported at scientific meetings diverse as international as the national level, which took place IGS NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko (m. Kyiv) ONU Mechnikov (c. Odessa) and other universities and research institutions of NAS of Ukraine and APS. Very important for researchers in the field of geography has become national conferences, the last such (V National Scientific Conference (with international participation), April 10-11, 2014 – USPU) conference was held in April 2014