Soil fertility optimization laboratory
Scientific Laboratory on Optimization of Soil Fertility (supervisor. Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Prof. Mykolayko VP) was created by order of the Rector of the University No. 228 of October 31, 2003.
According to an agreement between the Uman State Pedagogical University named after Paul Tychyna and the Institute of Agroecology of the NAAS, the institute is the curator of the scientific laboratory.
A priority area of research for members of the laboratory is the study of soil-environmental monitoring of the Central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, which includes the following tasks:
- To study the condition of the soil structure and to control land use.
- Set changes to basic soil properties and modes
- Assess the intensity of erosion processes
- Investigate the Soil Condition of Soil Funds
- Evaluate effective land fertility
- Soil replenishment by organic matter through alternative fodder crops
- Develop guidelines for sustainable land use
- Actively conduct environmental education among the general population.
Laboratory Members Research System:
– study of soil-environmental monitoring;
– organizing and conducting scientific conferences and seminars;
– approbation and implementation of research results of laboratory members;
– publication of scientific monographs, manuals, methodical recommendations, articles.
On the basis of the laboratory since 2003, the contractual topics are performed. In 2015, an agreement was signed on the theme “Organizational and economic foundations of developing technologies for growing high quality horticultural products” between the company “TAK – Agro” Tetievsky district of Kyiv region and ours until December 31, 2017.
Within the framework of the contractual theme, an orchard was laid on the school site of the Klyukivka secondary school of Tetiiv district of Kyiv region.
From 2006 to 2008 on the basis of the laboratory the state budget theme was implemented: “Soil-ecological monitoring of the central part of the right-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine”.
On October 31, 2013, a regional scientific and practical Internet conference on “Monitoring and protection of agro-landscape biodiversity” was held, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the scientific laboratory on soil fertility optimization. According to the results of the conference, a collection of materials was published.
Laboratory staff, along with other scientists, are actively involved in scientific expeditions in the region.
On the basis of the laboratory, students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography of the University conduct field and laboratory studies of the genesis of modern soils. The results are used in the preparation of future teachers of biology, geography, chemistry.
So, at the laboratory there is a student scientific group: “Agroecological problems of modern agriculture”, which covers students of 2-5 courses of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography. These students receive laboratory-based research and development skills. In particular, they carry out research work, obtain the skills of sampling soils and preparing them for analysis, carrying out the analyzes themselves in the laboratory, ie the study of the physical properties (structure, volume mass, porosity) of agrochemical (determination of the content of basic macronutrients, acidity, sums absorbent bases) and soil biological activity. Within the framework of the regional scientific-practical Internet conference “Monitoring and protection of agro-landscape biodiversity”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the scientific laboratory on soil fertility optimization, a seminar was held with students of the scientific group.
The results are the writing of coursework, diploma and master’s theses.
Today, the soil fertility optimization laboratory is a scientific, educational, cultural, educational, educational and environmental unit of the Pavel Tychyna UDPU. The laboratory is not only the basis for research work of researchers, graduate students and students, but also used in competitions of different levels in biology and ecology among students and students. The laboratory is visited by schoolchildren of the city and district schools, guests from other universities.
Lab staff keep in touch with
Institute of Agroecology of NAAS, Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Sokolovskyi Institute of Agriculture, NAAS, Uman National University of Horticulture, National Botanical Garden named after M.M. Grishko NAS of Ukraine, National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine, Dendrological Park “Alexandria”, Mliyev Research Institute of Horticulture named after L.P. Simirenko.
Science Lab Development Prospects:
– introduction and development of the newest modern research methods;
– formation of the Research Data Bank;
– Strengthening existing and establishing new links with academic institutions.