Conferences and seminars
It is a tradition at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography to hold national and international scientific conferences. Scientific and methodological seminars are held every month for teachers to discuss current issues in science and teaching.
All-Ukrainian and International Scientific Conferences
№ з / п |
Topic name |
Type of event |
Date |
Organizers |
1 |
Natural sciences in the education system |
All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference |
March 18th |
Department of Biology and Methods of Teaching |
2 |
Geography and Ecology: Science and Education |
All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference (with international participation) |
April 9-10, 2020 |
Department of Geography and Methods of Teaching |
2 |
Integration of basic and applied research in geographical, environmental and chemical education |
All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference |
November 19, 2020 |
Department of Chemistry, Ecology and Methods of Teaching |
2020 Scientific, Practical, Scientific and Methodological Seminars
№ з / п |
Topic name |
Type of event |
Time |
Responsible |
1 |
Mendeleev’s legacy: historical aspects and modern view |
Scientific and methodical seminar |
February 7, 2020 |
Daviskiba VV |
2 |
Central Europe as a geographical phenomenon |
Scientific and methodical seminar |
February 20, 2020 |
Kravtsova IV |
3 |
The current state of development of tourist and recreational potential of Cherkasy region |
Scientific and methodical seminar |
March 18, 2020 |
Braslavska OV |
4 |
Protection of water resources in the context of climate change |
Scientific and methodical seminar |
March 20, 2020 |
Zadorozhna OM |
5 |
Museum of Zoology named after MF Koval as a base for research work of teachers, students, teachers and schoolchildren of Uman and the district |
Scientific and methodical seminar |
April 2, 2020 |
Moroz LM Grabovska SL |
6 |
Chernobyl footprint on Earth, in the palms, in the mind, in the heart |
Scientific and methodical seminar |
April 26, 2020 |
Гнатюк Н. О. |
7 |
Implementation of the content line “Health and Safety” in the modern educational space |
Scientific and practical seminar |
May 20, 2020 |
Люленко С. О. |
8 |
Formation of research skills in students and young people while studying the disciplines of the biological cycle |
Scientific and practical seminar |
October 7, 2020 |
Nebikova TA |
9 |
Industrial landscapes of the Right Bank of Ukraine |
Scientific and methodical seminar |
October 18, 2020 |
Kozynska IP |
10 |
Post-Soviet transformations of the settlement system of the district centers of the western part of Cherkasy region |
Scientific and practical seminar |
November 20, 2020 |
Gerasimenko OV |
11 |
Synanthropization of vegetation of Ukraine |
Scientific and practical seminar |
November 25, 2020 |
Black GA |
12 | Preparation of reagents for experiments in the school course of chemistry |
Scientific and methodical seminar |
December 18, 2020 |
Galushko SM |