Pavel Tychyna State Pedagogical University
The herbarium of the Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavel Tychyna is a structural research unit of the Department of Biology and teaching methods of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography of the University and serves as a resource center – a collective use center. Herbarium Scientific Curator is Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Teaching Methods Chorna Halyna Anatoliivna
Chorna Galina Anatoliivna –
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Scientific Curator of Herbarium
Paul Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
The UDPU training herbarium was started in 1930, when the Uman Institute of Social Education was established and the first enrollment of 30 students in the biological department was conducted. It is probable that in 1947-1948 and 1956, during the accession to our university of natural faculties of the Odessa, Kyiv and Berdichev Teachers’ Institutes, part of the herbarium funds of these institutes were transferred here. However, the reorganization of the Uman Institute, the association of departments of botany and zoology, changes of educational premises and the absence of a special room for storing herbarium, changes of department heads (before the Great Patriotic War the department was headed by geobotanist I. Artemchuk, and in the postwar years, A. Kravchenko, I. Onishchenko, K. Senchuk, S. Gedz) led to the fact that the old herbarium collections were not preserved. In 1987, when the combined chair was headed by a plant physiologist, Associate Professor S. Gedz, the educational herbarium consisted of over 3,000 specimens of the flora of different natural zones of Ukraine. Since the 1990s, the herbarium has been annually replenished with 1-2 thousand herbarium sheets, the most valuable of which, after being determined by the teachers, are poured into the scientific herbarium. Herbarium now has about 15,000 herbaceous leaves of vascular plants. The five separate compartments of the wooden herbarium cabinets hold 1 471 g. of 164 Magnoliophyta families in the flora of Ukraine.
Herbarium funds
Дthe demonstration (lecture) herbarium on plant morphology has more than 2,000 g. by topics: “Types of plant nutrition”; “Ecological groups of plants according to the requirements for moisture”; “Essential oil plants”; “Root morphology (types of root systems and metamorphosis)”; “Directions of growth of a shoot”; “Bud”; “Leaf morphology and its metamorphosis”; “Aboveground metamorphosis of the shoot”; “Underground metamorphosis of the shoot”; “Structure and variety of actinomorphic and zygomorphic flowers”; “Variety of inflorescences”; “Variety of fruits”. The herbarium of laboratory morphology labs on the same topics has more than 2,000 gp.
Botanical literature
studies using Herbarium data
The herbarium demonstration on plant taxonomy totals 100 g. on macrophyte algae; 30 folders with specimens of mushrooms and lichen mushrooms (lichen); 60 years Bryophyta; 150 Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Pteridophyta, 50 I.e. Rhinophyta. The herbarium of representatives of the Magnoliophyta department, used in lectures and laboratory classes on plant taxonomy, has 3 600 g. In addition, about 6,000 gm of chamber processing, determination and insertion are required. student fees in recent years.
Herbarium materials from the course “Phyto-Diversity of Ukraine” include diagnostic types of vegetation classes: Vaccinio-Piceetea, Querco-Fagetea, Alnetea glutinosae, Festuco-Brometea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Phragmito-Magnocariciocaaa, Scheuchzeriaea, Scheuchzeriaea, Scheuchiaea, Scheucha $ 5,000.
Rare species of flora of Ukraine
The main collectors are Associate Professors M.D. Butilo, GA Black and UDPU students whose herbarium fees are designated by named botany teachers.
Herbarium activities are conducted in the following areas:
– replenishment of the collection with rare species from areas that are poorly researched and not represented in the main fund;
– creation of herbarium of regionally rare plants of Cherkasy and adjacent regions, specialized herbarium of medicinal, essential oil, ornamental and other groups of useful plants;
– further systematization and inventory of herbarium of higher plants;
– further expansion of the doublet fund;
– creation of an information computer database of Herbarium.
Order for the establishment of the Herbarium
Regulations on the Herbarium of Pavel Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Contact information
Address: Cherkasy region, Uman str. Sadova, 2, bldg. # 1, 324 Aud.
Paul Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
Faculty of Natural Science Education and Nature Management
Phone: (04744) 5-5-42
Е–mail: udpu_botanika@ ukr.net