For entrants
We are pleased to welcome you to the website of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Nature Management of Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavel Tychyna.
We invite you to study in the following specialties:
014.05 Secondary education (Biology and human health);
014.06 Secondary education (Chemistry);
014.07 Secondary education (Geography);
091 Biology
101 Ecology.
The faculty has educational programs for junior bachelor, bachelor, master, most of which are two-profile, which provide ample opportunities to choose a professional trajectory and an obvious advantage at the start of a career.
I am proud of the highly qualified teaching staff of the faculty.
We have an interesting intellectual, scientific, sports, social, creative, life that students live.
We are proud of our graduates who work not only in educational institutions but also in ecological, clinical-diagnostic, cytological, sanitary-epidemiological, microbiological laboratories; specialists in horticulture, agricultural production, tourism, pharmaceutical plants and factories, forestry, water management and nature reserves; practical psychologists in educational institutions, heads of out-of-school education groups, teachers of biology, basics of human health, geography, chemistry, ecology; teachers of vocational schools, colleges, universities.
I believe that very soon we will be proud of you.
I wish you not to make a mistake in choosing a future profession, listen to your heart, compare all the “for” and ” against” and take the first step towards achieving the dream.
V. o. Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
and nature management
Assoc. Inna Rozhi
Rules of admission to study 2024