Ecology and education
The Ecology and Education Research Laboratory is a structural unit of Paul Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and conducts basic and applied scientific research in various fields of ecology for the formation of ecological consciousness, the outlook, culture of future teachers and the improvement of their environmental and environmental training.
Laboratory Coordinator – Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS of Ukraine.
The Laboratory was established in 1992 and was headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Hancharenko Anna Yevdokimivna, and since 2019 has become Professor of Sovgira Svetlana Vasilyevna .
Sovgira Svitlana
Key labs:
- Ø monitoring of biological and landscape diversity and its environmental impact;
- Ø study of natural resources and their current ecological status;
- Ø exploring the potential of landscape ecosystems with further justification for the creation of new protected areas;
- Ø development of technological and organizational aspects of environmental work;
- Ø implementation of environmental measures and actions;
- Ø shaping the ecological outlook of students and students.
Laboratory Meeting
Polygon: research
Monitoring of biological and landscape diversity, their ecological condition in the territory of Central Pobuzhzhia
Results of activity for 31 years:
Throughout the years, the employees of the “Ecology and Education” laboratory successfully conduct scientific research, organize expeditions to study the fauna and flora in the conditions of anthropogenic transformation of Central Pobuzhie. The collected materials find a place in the annual collection of scientific works “Scientific Notes of the Ecological Laboratory of the UDPU”, in monographs, manuals.
The effectiveness of the laboratory’s activities is evidenced by the repeated victories of its students at the All-Ukrainian competitions of student scientific works, All-Ukrainian weeks of young rationalizers and inventors of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian competitions “To clean sources”, regional and All-Ukrainian competitions of scientific works of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The experience of environmental protection work of the ecological laboratory is covered in periodicals, radio and television. A lot of effort is devoted to strengthening the material and technical base of the unit.
Implementation of activity results:
- Complex natural monument of local significance “Valley of Mykola the Miracle Worker” (decision of the Korzhkut village council of the Uman district of the Cherkasy region No. 25-2/U dated August 12, 2009)
- Botanical reserve of local importance “Krysyakove” (decision of the Dzendzeliv village council No. 25-9 dated 20.09.2009)
- Hydrological reserve “Dragon ponds” (decision of the Dzendzeliv village council No. 8-4 dated 04/22/2009);
- Natural monument of local importance “Candle oak” (decision of the Dzendzeliv village council of the Mankiv district of the Cherkasy region, No. 1-11/VI dated November 16, 2010)
- Natural monument of local importance “Oak of Nadzelsky” (decision of Dzendzeliv village council of Mankiv district of Cherkasy region, No. 1-11/VI dated 11/16/2010)
- Natural monument of local importance “Three Oaks” (decision of the Dzendzeliv village council of the Mankiv district of the Cherkasy region, No. 1-11/VI dated November 16, 2010)
- Natural monument of local importance “Trident Oak” (decision of the Dzendzeliv village council of the Mankiv district of the Cherkasy region, No. 1-11/VI dated November 16, 2010)
- Natural monument of local importance “Kryslaty Oak” (decision of the Dzendzeliv village council of the Mankiv district of the Cherkasy region, No. 1-11/VI dated November 16, 2010)
- Natural monument of local importance “Dub Khymerny” (decision of the Dzendzeliv village council of the Mankiv district of the Cherkasy region, No. 1-11/VI dated November 16, 2010)
- Botanical reserve of local importance for the protection of common snowdrop “Lyadske” (decision of the Dobrenka village council of the Mankiv district of the Cherkasy region No. 2/2 dated 24.11.2010)
- Natural monument of local significance “200-year-old oak” (decision of the Sobkiv village council of the Uman district of the Cherkasy region, No. 39-5/V dated 05/20/2010)
- General botanical reserve of local importance “Velikosevastyanivskiy ravines” and “Rakova levada” (decision of the Velikosevastyanivsk village council of Khrytynivskyi district of Cherkasy region No. 11-З/V dated 27.07.2010)
- Expansion of the landscape and botanical reserve “Zhurbynka” (decision of the Yatraniv village council No. 13-8/VI of 09/07/2011).
- Natural monument of local importance “Vilkhove Tract” (decision of Potaska village council, Mankiv district, Cherkasy region No. 16-4/VI dated 20.09.2012)
- Natural monument of local importance “Carp Oak” (decision of the Dashiv settlement council of Illinetskyi district of Vinnytsia region, dated 23.07.2015)
- Natural monument of local importance “Oak” (decision of Kharkiv Village Council of Mankiv District of Cherkasy Region, No. 13-13/UII dated 23.12.2016)
- Geological reserve of local importance “Illinetsky Crater” (decision of the Yakub village council of Illinetsky district of Vinnytsia region, No. 38 dated 23.03.2016)
- Geological monument of nature of local importance “Illinetsky Crater” (decision of the Illinetskyi District Council of the Vinnytsia Region, No. 300 dated 03.03.2017)
- Hydrological reserve of local importance “Cascade of springs” (decision of the Stepa village council of the Gaisyn district of the Vinnytsia region No. 8 of October 22, 2019)
The results of the activities of the employees of the research laboratory “Ecology and Education” only for the year 2023:
- A study of the peculiarities of vegetative reproduction of various plants in in vitro culture was carried out in the laboratory of microclonal reproduction of the National Dendrological Park “Sophiivka” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (assistant professors Volodymyr Vitenko, Roman Podzerey, senior lecturer Vitaly Goncharuk, lecturers Svyatoslav Mandebura, Vladyslav Parakhnenko, master’s student ecologist Yaroslav Lyakhovsky) ( 04/03/2023)
- The peculiarities of natural afforestation of the territories removed from the list of agricultural lands in the Uman district of the Cherkasy region were studied. 4 experimental plots were demarcated, on which the taxonomic composition and structure of undergrowth of tree plantations, their adaptation potential, the presence of representatives of invasive dendroflora were studied (assistant professors Volodymyr Vitenko, Roman Podzerey, teachers Svyatoslav Mandebura, Vladyslav Parakhnenko) (April 10, 2023)
- The object-subject area of invasive geofloristics was formulated; the species composition of invasive species of flora of roadside landscapes of railways of Kirovohrad region was established; an annotated synopsis of the studied flora was compiled, which includes 38 species of vascular plants; the analysis of the studied invasive flora was carried out in various aspects (systematic, geographical, biomorphological, ecological); the landscape differentiation of the region’s railway flora was investigated;an analysis of the investigated invasive species was carried out relative to the anthropogenic factor – by primary habitats, time and method of introduction, and degree of naturalization; invasive geofloristic zoning of the territory of Kirovohrad region was carried out (phytogeographic zoning based on the distribution of invasive flora of railways) (Vladislav Parakhnenko)
- In the course of expeditionary research of the Pokut-Bukovyn Carpathians in the area of the village of Biloberizka, Verkhovyna District, Ivano-Frankivsk Region (October 4-8, 2023), the lower course of the Cheremosh River, the Mlynsky and Suhy streams were investigated. The slopes of the valley are low and gentle. In some places, the banks are covered with rocks. It was determined that the depth of the river in places is 0.6-1.0 m, the average speed of the current is 0.7-1.2 m/s.
As part of the research, the reserve of local importance “Bukovynski Vodospady” was visited, which is located on the right tributary of the Cheremosh, the Smugar River (at a distance of 2000 m – eight waterfalls (from 3 to 19 m): Kovber, Sych, Nizhnii Huk, Vorota, Serednii Huk, Velikiy Hook, Lower Hook, Upper Hook. - During the expedition to the territory of the Pokut-Bukovynsky Carpathians, biological and hydrological features (about twenty objects) were investigated. In the local terrain, low mountains up to 800 m and steep mid-mountains with a height of up to 1483 m can be distinguished, in particular, Mount Rotylo. The mountains are a system of ridges separated by the river valleys of Pistinka, Rybnytsia, Cheremosh, Seret and their tributaries. Consist of flash. Slopes up to a height of 600-700 m are covered mainly with beech and beech-fir-spruce forests, up to a height of 1150 m with beech-spruce forests, mountain meadows, meadows. This is due to the milder and warmer climate of this area, because beech and fir are more heat-loving species than spruce. In the complex with forest vegetation, there are areas of post-forest meadows on slopes and ridges, mostly of anthropogenic origin, granite outcrops, areas of gray alder on river terraces.
The local flora is represented by groups of gray alder forests (Alneta incanae), beech forests (Fageta sylvaticae) dominated by Vinca minor, Allium (ursinum), dominated by Lunaria rediviva, common ivy (Hedera helix ), sycamore forests (Acereta pseudoplatani), scot-oak-beech forests (Querceto (petraeae) – Fageta (sylvaticae), acidophilic scot-oak forests (Querceto (petraea). A variety of agaricoid fungi is widespread in the area, 56 of which are species of the Carpathian forests of Ukraine.
The animal world of the local fauna is represented by such species as the white stork, the little dove, the blue dove, the wolf, the nightingale, the nightingale, the forest cat, the spotted salamander, the common quack, the aesculapian sled, the mountain kumka, the mountain shrew, the mountain shrike, the common plover, capercaillie, grouse, hairy buzzard, long-tailed owl, brown bear, lynx, bison, spotted deer and other faunal representatives. There are some red book species: spotted or fiery salamander, common lynx, woodpecker.
The geological deposits of the area are represented by exposures of menilitic layers in the Luzhka tract (located next to the main road that runs through the valley of the Vyzhenka River) in a vertical section of the wall of the southern exposure. Dark gray to black bituminous argillites, silicified siltstones, thinly layered sandstones with numerous imprints of the ancient bottom surface of water bodies. (3-7.05.2023)
- In the discussion of the project of a new list of fields of knowledge and specialties for which higher and professional pre-higher education candidates are trained, which was published on August 8, 2023 on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Professor Svitlana Sovgira, who is a member of the PAEW Association of Environmental Professionals).
- At the International Summer School “European Green Dimensions: Challenges for Ukraine”/”European Green Dimensions: Challenges for Ukraine”, within the framework of the European Union Program ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet (teachers and students of the first bachelor’s and second master’s levels) June 8-10, 2023 year
- In the international program Erasmus+ (Interdisciplinary European studies “EUROPEAN GREEN DIMENSIONS” of the project 101081525–JM EUGD-ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH (total number of 90 ac. h / 3 ECTS credits), duration February- April 2023. The purpose of the study was to study European green initiatives and best practices in the field of environmental security in the context of modern environmental and climate challenges. Certificates of participants were received.
- At the International Summer School “Interdisciplinary Study in the Humanities”, which was held on the basis of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Republic of Poland). International cooperation, the study and implementation of European experience provided for the acquisition of professional competences by future ecologists and are aimed at solving practical problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and balanced nature management (Vadim Sorokin, first (bachelor) level higher education student, from April 2 to 8, 2023) . Certificates of participants have been received.
- Practical lesson “Introduction to complex networks” in the format of digital education. The class was held in a workshop format by Mykhailo Patsan, a specialist in digital technologies at the University of Future Professions. The practical session was conducted in order to form participants a fundamental understanding of the theory and analysis of complex networks (May 4, 2023). Certificates of participants have been received.
- Lectures “Global Food Security and Nutrition Crisis and Ukraine Impacts” by William H. Meyers, PhD, professor emeritus of agricultural and applied economics at the Research Institute of Food and Agrarian Policy of the University of Missouri (04/27/2023). Certificates of participants have been received.
- Lectures by J. Scott Christianson, professor, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the Business College of the University of Missouri (Trulask). Participation in a lecture for the purpose of acquiring digital competences with Chat GPT (04/25/2023). Certificates of participants have been received.
- Lectures by the honorary president of the Club of Rome, ex-chairman of the environment committee of the German Bundestag, ex-director of the UN Science and Technology Center in New York, PhD Ernst ULRICH VON WEIZSÄCKER “Earth-wide dangerous challenges: climate and biodiversity” (20.04.2023) ). Certificates of participants have been received.
- Seminars “Digital competence of future ecologists”. Goal: improvement of digital competence (February 15, 2023). Certificates of participants have been received.
Organized by:
- The campaign, together with the Department of Housing and Communal Affairs of the Uman City Council, is timed to solve the problem of further damage by white mistletoe to woody plants growing in the central part of the city of Uman: pruning (removal) of branches on trees with mistletoe bushes (assistant professors Volodymyr Vitenko, Roman Podzerey, senior lecturer Vitaly Honcharuk, teachers Svyatoslav Mandebura, Vladyslav Parakhnenko) (March 16, 2023).
- A master class was held on writing scientific works, in particular monographs on ecological and nature protection topics within the scope of scientific research by ecologists and their use in the educational process, writing qualification papers by ecologists (Professor Svitlana Sovhira 03/15/2023)
- A round table dedicated to the 37th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster was organized (Vladislav Parakhnenko) (April 26)
- A collection of scientific works “Scientific Notes of the Ecological Laboratory of the Ukrainian State University of Applied Sciences” was published. Vol. 24.
- 3 articles were published in the scientific and metric database Scopus and WebofScience, 12 articles in professional publications of Ukraine.
Achievements and awards
- Within the framework of the All-Ukrainian project “Ukraine. Scientists and educators: indomitable in war” Svitlana Sovgira, professor of the department of chemistry, ecology and methods of their education, received a diploma for her significant contribution to educational, volunteer, public activities, active resistance to aggression and loyalty to the Ukrainian idea.
- By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 08/23/2023 No. 013740 “On approval of the decisions of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding the awarding of academic titles and the awarding of scientific degrees with the awarding of the academic title of associate professor” Roman Viktorovych Podzerey was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Chemistry, Ecology and Methodology their training.
- Vladyslav Parakhnenko received a diploma of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 10 Natural Sciences with a specialty 103 Earth Sciences (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 27, 2023 H23 No. 001405 “On approval of the decisions of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding the awarding of a Doctor of Philosophy”).
Our address: Research Laboratory “Ecology and Education” (Audit 211-212), Uman State Pedagogical Pavel Tychyna University, ul. Sadova, 2, Uman, Cherkasy region, 20300.