Information for extramural students
List of Credits and Exams for the First Semester (Foreign Students, First-Year)
List of Credits and Exams for the First Semester (Foreign Students, Continuing)
List of Credits and Exams for the First Semester (First-Year Students)
List of Credits and Exams for the First Semester (Continuing Students)
List of Credits and Exams for the Second Semester (Foreign Students, First-Year)
List of Credits and Exams for the Second Semester (Foreign Students, Continuing)
List of Credits and Exams for the Second Semester (First-Year Students)
List of Credits and Exams for the Second Semester (Continuing Students)
Schedule of Final Certification for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
Exam Schedule for the First Semester
Schedule for Academic Debt Liquidation (First Semester)
Exam Schedule for the Second Semester
Schedule for Academic Debt Liquidation (Second Semester)
Exam Schedule for the First Semester (Master’s Degree)
Schedule for Academic Debt Liquidation (Master’s Degree, First Semester)